Our Mission

To this end the Society organises a number of events throughout the year including meetings and lectures, cultural events such as film screenings and private viewings, power breakfasts and social gatherings, as well as a biennial dinner attended by its patrons, HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal, HRH Princess Sarvath and HRH the Duke of Kent. Proceeds from all these events are donated to charitable causes.
In recent years the AJS has contributed over £180,000 to such causes and at this time of well-documented political and humanitarian uncertainty and suffering in the region, is committed to continue to invest in the well-being of thousands of adults and children, particularly in the less headline grabbing areas such as mental health and disability.
Anyone wishing to work with the AJS on a future charitable collaboration should contact us.
HE The Jordanian Ambassador in London is Honorary President, playing an active role and hosting receptions for members that recall true Jordanian hospitality. The AJS is further supported by its Executive Council (link to information / biographies page),
Membership is open to anyone interested in furthering understanding between Jordan and the UK, and in wanting to support Jordanian charities. The AJS welcomes the active participation of its members through social media and is open to ideas from members for all future events and activities.
The Society is a UK registered Charity no 281422.
If you would like to know more about the society, please contact us.